Memorial Wall

Whether a tribute, a farewell letter, a final goodbye or a place to share your memories, I can’t wait to hear your story. This page is for YOU. Tell the world about your special pet, this pet who will forever have their name on a chapter in your life story. Tell me about that love so together we can all honor you and honor them. 

My beautiful baby boy, 14 years just wasn’t enough time. I had you from the day you were born and you gave me most love and fulfillment a young boy could experience. You were with me through middle, high school and even college. The unbridled excitement you would have when I got home is something I always cherish and will always miss. You got sick so quick and I felt so helpless but I know you are at peace now. What I wouldn’t give to tell you how much I love you, to give you one more forehead kiss. My room feels so much more empty without you but i know one day we will meet again on the rainbow bridge🙏

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Ryan Corley
Marley, 07/20/2010-09/19/2024

My beautiful brave warrior Nena. You were my only friend, my confidant, my strength. You loved me in spite of my flaws. No matter how hard life got you were right by my side.I miss your face, your smell, your fur which went the wrong way on your shoulders. I cannot bare the thought of never seeing your face again. I will forever have a whole in my heart now you are not here beside me. I surround myself with your photos just to be able to carry on. My baby girl, my little Nee. My love for you is beyond words. The pain will never subside ❤️

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Louise Martin
Nena, 22.12.2012-02.10.2023

My dearest chicken nugget Penny. You brightened my life in a way that most could never imagine. You helped me to experience a love so pure and so deep. You taught me what it was to love without boundaries, to give without expecting, and how to care for someone in their worst hours. I could never repay you for the companionship you provided me with. I look forward to the day we will be reunited. I will love, and miss you, for eternity. Cheers to a life well-lived. 💕Yay mama💕

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Karina Ali
Penelope "Penny" Fitzgerald, 02/24/2007 - 10/08/2022
Tia I miss you so much . You were my heart, my friend, my roommate and companion. You brought so much joy and love to my life. I will always love you and hold you in my heart.
Debra Elkins
Tia, August 5,2022

I rescued my sweet Nala girl in 2016. She was 4 1/2 years old and I was home number seven. She was under weight, full of fleas and worms and had untreated Lyme's disease that had damaged her kidneys. She had severe allergies and even worse separation anxiety. We worked hard to get it under control, and for a while it was. But eventually her kidneys failed. And I had to let her go. But in the time we had, Nala was the most amazing companion and friend. She never met anyone she didn't like. Strangers of all shapes and sizes would stop and ask to pet the "big dog" and she would always oblige. She always knew when I was down or in need of some extra love. And her favorite thing was to snuggle down next to me, no matter how tight the space. She had a huge presence, a huge heart and in turn has left a huge hole in my life. I will always love you my sweet angel. I pray that you are snuggled up next to Jesus and running painlessly on the streets of gold.

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Jenni Vanderzel
Nala, April 3 2012 - July 11 2022
He was my 💙 🐾🐾🐾🐶I miss him so so much I think he truly Rescue Me even though I saved him and I had hom seven years and I'm writing a book about him right now I had to do a lot of things to get me through the grace and I'm truly think 3 years later I'm still not all the way healed from his parting and Crossing that bridge but I hope for one day hug my sweet chance again😒💖💌 Read More
Chance, 9/12/2018

Without you, we are alone. You were our faithful companion, our comfort, our joy, our excitement. We will miss you until we die and you are in our souls forever. All places we go to, all things we do reminds us of you- you were with us always and we loved to take you everywhere. I will miss the kisses, the stealing of my bed blankets, the warmth of your hugs, your beautiful golden eyes. My husband will miss talking to you all day, sharing his breakfast with you, walking so many miles together. My children will grieve and feel the pain of losing someone so beloved and vital to our lives. We love you forever Boots, Mom and Dad

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Boots, June 20, 2022

I miss you, Pup. I love you. I want you to know that the years I got to share with you were some of the hardest, but the best because of you. Your love for living everyday as best you could inspired me. You always loved with your whole heart and I strive to do that for you. Because of you. I have learned so much from you that i have to say thank you again. I miss those little ears all perky because I said your favorite words. I miss the happiness I could see in your eyes when i said anything to you. Baby boy, I miss you so much and I hope you'll greet me when we meet again...just like you always did. Goodbye.

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Loli, Jun 18th, 2010 - May 14th, 2022
Thanks for the times that you've given me The memories are all in my mind And now that we've come to the end of our rainbow There's something I must say out loud You're once, twice, three times a lady, and I love you! When we are together, the moments I cherish With every beat of my heart To touch you, to hold you, to feel you, to pet you There's nothing to keep us apart You're once, twice, three times a lady, and I love you! Read More
Cathy Fitzpatrick
Millie, 4/1/22
Our sweet little boy Bleu was born deaf, but he was the most energetic dog I've ever had. He was a rescue, and he was only with us for 8 months, but I will have a lifetime of memories, thanks to him. If I never see him again, I'll know that I was the one who didn't make it to Heaven. Rest is peace, my little man.
Will Cordes
Bleu, 02/29/2020 to 02/16/2022
💕The Love of my life and my Best friend💕 Thank you for allowing me to be your mom. Thank you for all of the love, laughter, cuddles and adventure. I love you so much. Thank you for being with me when I needed you the most. Thank you for being so special and changing my life forever. I love you boo boo.
Moriah Roberts
Myles, 10/14/14 - 3/6/22

It’s been 6 days since you left me and I don’t know if I can make it. I loved you so! I miss hearing your feet running down the hallway to bed where you’d lay on my chest every night. I’ll never forgive myself for the way you suffered as you struggled to breathe and now I’m finding it hard to breathe without you. How can you not be here?? I’m shattered with a grief that grabs me by the throat and all I can do is fall to my knees. I am so empty…so lost… so sad. I miss you and my arms ache to hold you. Please forgive every moment I was busy or tired or not with you. If only I could get those wasted seconds back…

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Kim Harris
Charlotte, February 13, 2022
My Sweet Lou, I would give anything to hold and kiss you right now. I miss your little muppet mouth, the feel of your furry ears on my ankles, and even your demanding barking to be fed. I know you are with me all the time. I can’t wait for the day we can be together forever! I love You endlessly!
Jen Oberholzer
Daisy ‘Sweet Lou’, Jan 8, 2022
You touched my heart and opened it with you Fiesty, funny, tough guy Mister Cool style. We bonded and got each other,a rare gift in this life. Thank you for allowing me to love you and lift you up along your journey.
Kate Glenn
ROCCO, JAN 01,2005-NOV 19,2021
Ziba, my baby girl, I wish we were still together and I could caress you behind your ear and sing to you, shower you with your toys and show my love. Thank you for being my baby, and my best friend, and of course, partner in crime. I’ll always remember you and will see at the gates one day. I miss and love you so much!
Yasmine Moayedi
Ziba, July 4, 2010 - June 4, 2021
Simba my little angel... Missing u hurts like hell...remember our days nd nights...our time in the garden with Sasha...remember ur smell nd ue lovely eyes... how can i forget 10 days at the hospital .... with lot if pain nd hope...they said u r better now u can go home...sooo happpyyyyy...later that day...u didnt seems ok or better... u have lot of pain...i feel hoprless...cant keep the death away...was trying to hold u maybe ull stay....but u left me alone...i smell u all the time...still waiting every day...maybe ull come back....i say ur name SIIIMMMMBBAAAAA u dont answer!!!! Why.,, did u eat?? Did u drink??? Misss uuuuuu misss ouuurrrr days baby i peace nd wait for me plz... Till we met again little hero....sooo proud offf uuuuuuu Read More
Simba, 8/8/2018....24/6/2021
***On May 13, 2020, I celebrated your life entering mine, TEDDY BEAR'S GOTCHA DAY. ***On April 3, 2021, I wept in sadness and heartbreak at your life leaving mine. ***How incredibly lucky I was to have been chosen by this beautiful, gentle and loving four legged soul. ***He saw the vulnerability in me I am still learning to recognize and acknowledge. ***Showed me and others that despite being deaf, he HEARD and he LISTENED. ***Protected me from and fears and guided me to take risks and trust myself. ***We spoke to each other, sometimes with songs, dance parties, conversations, with our physical connection and through our locked eyes. ***To his last breath matching with mine "Little light of mine, mama's always gonna let you shine...." Read More
mystery person
Tricia Londres
Teddy, May 13, 2020 (Gotcha Day)-April 3, 2021
Sasha has been a consistent part of my life for 14 years. She has been there through tragic loss and good times. I will never forget her and that she was the most consistent support system I had for over a decade.
NaShawn Finley
Sasha, December 25, 2006 - March 11, 2021
You will forever be in our hearts. you played til' your dying breath. my baby will always be will me. You would play like a pup even when you were hurting just to please us kids. We love you, The Fouts family.
mystery person
Hannah Fouts
Dutchess, November, 2004-Sunday, January 10th, 2021

My very first dog, a pitbull, even after people told me not to adopt you. You excelled at training, passed your CGC, and became a therapy dog which you were just born to do. You insisted on meeting everyone and made friends and touched hearts everywhere you went. Stunning beautiful and handsome boy but also the sweetest, most complaint and gentle spirit. You taught me about love, acceptance, and loyalty. You were and always will be the prince of my heart. Your life was cut short by a brain tumor but we lived it to the utmost while we could. I know you are safe now in heaven, fully free and happy, and you know that we will be together again, never to be parted again.

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Janie B
JJ, born 7/17/2011, rescued 7/10/2013, passed 10/25/2020

Hello, my baby Honey has passed away on the 2/06/2020 during these scary times. Honey was gentle, loving, compassionate and only ever wanted to make you feel better. Heartbreaks, if you were I’ll, if you had a fight, anxiety, bad day in college/school/work she was there for me through it all. From when i was 9 up until i was 22 and forever!’ This lady has been my best friend. It’s not even been 24 hours since we said goodbye but i miss her so much. My heart hurts. Everything hurts i can’t imagine a life without her. She’s my everything. She always will be. Please send prayers towards me and my families way. She had a special bond with us all. My dad and her were best friends. Same with my mam and my sister. She loved us all. She wasn’t well for a week and it turned out she had cancer, we just thought it was the unusual heat we were receiving in Dublin. They found a Tumor in her stomach. She wasn’t eating or drinking water. She just slept, On June 2nd the vet took her in and said it wasn’t looking good and we should come down, she knew we were there with her, she knew. She went peacefully, i am so happy honey that you are no longer in pain. I’m sorry if you felt pain. You were the best thing that came into our lives. You healed us. You made us so happy and full of joy and THATS the best gift you could of given us as a family. You are family. You are part of our family since day one and until forever. Wait for us, we will meet again someday. For now, run around and play with grandad and bark at the little things and smile in the sun and run around until you get tired and need a 3 minute nap until you’re ready to run around again. I’ll never forget you. I’ll be up to see you sometime in the future but I’ll never not say your name on earth. I love you, we love you. Forever and always my baby. You’re at peace now. Fly high my love, tell everyone we say hi! ? ? ?

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Zoie Ruxton
Honey Ruxton, 2/06/2020
You were taken away from me when you were too young. I loved you from the moment I saw you in the rescue centre. I miss and think about you everyday. My heart is broken
Barney, September 2019
I will always be so grateful for the 16 years I was given with my sweet boy Dagwood. He was so sweet and such a precious soul. My grief is strong my heart is broken but I know that he is at peace now. He will never be forgotten and will always be loved.
Carol Cain
Dagwood, 5-16-2020

Thank you for rocking my world! While April 21st will always have a tinge of sadness for me, I am more blessed that we shared in the time we did! Every day I remember you as YOU are the reason I do what I do. Thank you for the memories, for the lessons, and for being the most amazing WHY! And, thank you for being my beacon of light as I do what I can to shine the light on all of the other special loves and losses I can humanly reach. RIP, Mommy's Baby Girl. I miss you, Mico. You will always have a large part of my heart with you. Until we meet again... Mommy loves you.

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Mico, April 21, 2003
Teddy bear my baby, my bestfriend you were by my side everyday i couldn’t wait to see u when i came home and u ran to the door and u would beg for food or jump on chair when i had ice cream you were so perfect, you’ll always have a special place in my heart forever i love u so much?
Julia Ruggiero
Teddy Bear, March 7th 2020
She was my bestfriend. I thought i moved on but recently everytime i think of her i break down. I’ll miss all the times I would just talk to her and i knew she was listening she’ll forever be the best friend i’ll always need
Kalysta Bruner
Lily, April 6, 2008 - November 11, 2019
My sweet little girl . You are missed so and love you always ?? it’s so hard without you. Thank you for your beautiful heart..
Maria Krebs
April 5 2008-February 10 2020
My sweet girl we loved you so Miss you and you will always have a very special place in our hearts.a
mystery person

Oh my beloved sweetheart, Harley, you went too soon and too suddenly. One minute you were here and the next you weren’t. My heart broke into a million little pieces that early morning in my arms. I miss your beautiful soul spirit and love for life! I’m so blessed to have had you and BowTie in my life. Because of you and all I learned during that first TNR , you have saved over 60 lives as people continue to reach out for TNR advice & support. Know I see you, the majestic red cardinals you send and feel your presence with me always. I love you more than life itself and will see you again soon my love.

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Cindy Weber
Harley, 9/15/2013 - 5/16/19
We rescued our little puggie Oct of 2013 at 9 years old. I never thought we’d get that much time with him, but we got almost 6.5 years with our fur baby. He was such a sweet boy and our hearts are broken now that he’s gone. I hope so much he knows how loved he was and we will live our lives knowing he is waiting for us. We will love and miss him forever.
Sherry Steele
Kemba, April 29, 2003 - January 17, 2020
In loving memory of our beloved sassy girl Tiffany, you will always live in our hearts ?.
Rafael Nieves
December 30, 2019
Missing my friend Abby who gave all she could since she was a puppy
Peter Salas
Abby, December 11,2010-November 27,2019

My favorite person. I’ll always miss her fuzzy tail and the way she liked to sleep on her back with her legs in the air. She loved to chase squirrels and ducks and cats in her younger days. She was with me for about 12 years and was not a puppy nor was she in a good state of mind or body when my husband and I adopted her. She loved children, eating, giving kissses and going for walks. She also liked car rides. She was very happy to be alive and enjoyed every minute until she was too sick even to stand up anymore. I love u forever. I have a hole in my heart:(. I hope I’ll see u again one day. Tell ur sisters at the rainbow bridge that I love them and miss them too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Heatherjoy Klein
Carly, Unknown birthdate-11/28/19

Rex your were my literal road dog. We went to so many places together and received so many compliments from strangers on how good looking you were. That made me so proud. You were with me through my darkest moments when no one else was. You were so patient on the days I just couldn't get out of bed, but all you did was show me unconditional love. You wagged your lil stub no matter what when you saw me. I will miss your gentle little kisses that assured me you loved me. I really hope I can see you again at the rainbow bridge. You are in my heart and the others you touched their hearts. Tia Luz & Belen, the kids Lucas and Valentina, Grandma Kathy send you lots of hugs and belly scratches. I love you so much and will miss you dearly. Love MOM, A.S.

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Aidée S.
Rex, 9/10/2012-11/17/2019
I wasn’t a fan of birds, I thought they were cool but nothing more… not like cats or dogs… But you were more than that, you taught me that even birds have personality and I love your. I’ll miss your singing and your grumpy self. Take care Mowgli
Michelle C.
Mowgli, 10/25/2019
I especially wanted to honor Pookie for truly opening my heart. I’ve never felt such pure and unadulterated love from any being in my life.
Colleen Patricia
Pookie, 8/10/2019
Jinx, my sweet kitty, our time together was way too short. We packed a lifetime together into six months ( I knew from the beginning that was all we would be given). I will never forget how special you were, you made my life feel full and complete, my special needs kitty!
Diane Weaver
Jinx, January 25, 2015 - July 27, 2017

Champ, You were my teacher. You taught me about non-judgement and acceptance, forgiveness and living in the moment. You are the best ....and I am so grateful that you chose us for your family. Thank you for always being there for G & E & me....especially during the hard times. You are pure joy and we love you. I know you are running , chasing tennis balls and playing with other animals! I hope you are having pizza and ice cream every day! I feel your presence and loving energy every day. I know you will be at G & M’s Wedding this weekend in spirit! Jack and Grace say “Hi” Sending love to you. Mom

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Bonnie Penrose Petruzzi
Champ, April 11, 2001 - August 15, 2016

My beloved pitbull was inherited from My 48 yr old son when he lost his battle with glioblastoma. She was my friend, my comforter, my eyes, my ears, my protector and I told her many times every day that “Remi is a sweet girl, Remi is a pretty girl, Remi is a smart girl and Grandmommy loves Remi.” She lives on in my heart and soul and always will until we meet again for I don’t believe God would create a bond so strong to break it in eternity. Grandmommy loves you Remi???

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Maylene Dingler
Remi, Nov 1, 2006-July 17, 2018

never in my life did I ever think that you would leave this world so early, you were only 3 years old and full of spunk, you helped me through the most difficult times in my life. I miss you everyday and every day is a struggle knowing that when I come home your not there. I’m lucky enough to have your sister so at least I have a part of you. I’m sorry we couldn’t save you in time but it calms me knowing that you went peacefully and not in pain and we were right there with you. You are always in my heart, always my baby girl.

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Elizabeth Anne Jacobson
Meredith, April 5th, 2019
I don’t know how to live..
Aprilè D’Villo
Diesel, November 6, 2008- May 24, 2019

My most beloved companion King of my heart ❤️Raj ❤️ 10/06/07- 05/04/19 It is not the same without you since the day I had to make the most painful and hardest decision in my life ,but what I could not change was your health and time. If God had given me a choice to sacrifice everything I owned in exchange to blessing you with good health and many more years , without a second I know I would.As you were my precious treasure in life ,a part of me . You taught me many morals in life and were my guardian Angel ,you were there no matter what, no judgments and no expectations.You helped me in life for the better and never hurt me ever. I loved you before you were born , and my love and care and devotion for you only grew stronger.You are the best good boy your mom can ever have. I love you so much and miss you too much.My loyal companion? I wish our soul’s will meet again, until then I imagine you constantly by my side and running happy in the fields , wild and Free, my dearest Raj.You are a part of me. You were unconditional❤️

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Fifi Sukkar
Raj, June,10,2007- April 5,2019
They completely changed me. Really what I was but brought back to the forefront. Such funny rascals and never acted old. I adopted them from the shelter in Ann Arbor, Michigan when I went to work for a big corporation full time after graduating college. Two tiger brown tabby/bengal mixed kittens. Brothers. Companions. Took them with me to two different states with work then when I moved back home to Indiana. So loyal and always affectionate and playful. Heart disease came on for Custer in late 2009 but he pulled through. Changed my perspective and I was broken but grateful to still have him. Spring 2011, I wasn't as fortunate with Bingo. Symptoms to goodbye was all in five days. It devastated me this sudden loss. Regrets of more time I could have spent with him, seeking answers about life after death, and trying to adjust to the absence. Custer grieved too. He slowed down and when going into the backyard alone he cried out. I found Coleen's group nearby soon after and went from working through the loss, commemorating and sharing my beliefs and little signs and miracles telling me Bingo was OK. I moved away a few years later with Custer and as circumstances had it, I had him for four more wonderful years where I got to work mostly from home and he had a house with family and three other cats around to create a home full of life and love. He remained stable with his heart disease to 18-1/2 years old. Kidney disease was starting but then a quick cancer came and took him from me. From diagnosis to goodbye was about 10 days. I had more time and perspective and took the time I could to treasure him closely in those days just after Christmas. The Christmas season and music infused these final lessons with me. Kindness, Generosity, Forgiveness, Love, Wisdom... and balance of time. The "dash" goes so quickly. I have the hundreds of photos to prove it, but we have to slow down to savor our lives with them. I can't wait to see them again, my dear and wonderful friends who marked my heart with their paw prints. Read More
Adam K
Bingo and Custer, 4/28/2000 to 4/9/2011 (Bingo) and 1/5/2019 (Custer)

Not a day goes by that I do not think about you and miss you. You rescued me not too long after Sammy's passing. You made me find my smile again and I hoped to love you for many years to come. We didn't get to have years....we had a beautiful 12 months of love, cuddles, and you were my best sleeping buddy, keeping me and yourself warm. You were loyal to your core and I always noticed and felt it. I will carry you close to my heart for the rest of my life on this earth and I will see you again at the bridge. I love you Simon, from your Mom.

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Susan Wujastyk
Jan 1, 2018-Jan 15, 2019

This is the post I never wanted to have to write... but that we all know is inevitable. Today I am thankful for 12 yrs. spent with my Mo - and only wishing it could have been more ? Our vacation was not what I anticipated. A mere 10 hrs. after arriving in Nova Scotia, I had to say goodbye to Mocha. My silver lining, that I have to look for in every situation, is that it may have been sudden and a terrible shock, but she didn't suffer. She was happy and enjoying herself - until she just wasn't and something was terribly wrong. The emergency vet in Dartmouth was a kind, caring and compassionate young woman. Mocha started off as the family dog. She was usually a bit aloof and she tolerated our affection with an, "if you must" expression. For the past 6 yrs. or so, she has been my constant companion and my furry little shadow. Trying to order a new collar for her was the reason that WAGZ WEAR Personalized Dog and Pet Accessories even came to be. Mo grew considerably more affectionate over the years - or maybe the girls and I just finally clued in and understood what she wanted! She loved to be chased with a squeaky toy in her mouth; her iBone was her favourite- we think -It made her cry, lol. She loved her walks and the creature comforts; sofas, her beds... and mine. She loved shoulder and ear scratches and loved to share my cereal - and cheese, carrots, peanut butter, tuna... and ice cubes - ice cubes were her best treat! She was a quirky girl, a real beauty and my wonderful side-kick, and the girls and I will always know that she loved us in her "Mo-Dog way". We love you and will miss you so much sweetie. You were such a good girl ?? - ???❤️ ,

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Mocha, Sept. 4, 2006 - Sept. 23, 2018

There's not a day that goes by without my thinking of you, Boomer. While your presence is still felt in my heart, your absence from our daily lives is ever present. Thank you for showing me what it means to age gracefully and with courage and with determination. I hope that as my life goes on without you, I will remember those lessons you taught me. I hope you can hear me when I talk to you...I miss you, and I look forward to a time when I can see you again. Until then, I will always be thinking of you. I love you.

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Mike Meadows
Boomer, March 19, 2001 - July 29, 2018
Freya, my beloved golden girl. You were the light of my life, my beautiful singing star, your abundant joy and your love of life will never be forgotten. The love in your eyes when you looked at me is something I'll never see again and that hurts so bad. I miss your soft fur beneath my fingers, I miss how you would sing to me every time I came home. I miss just laying down with you and snuggling at the end of the day, I miss our walks, I miss seeing you running along the beach at the ocean and playing with your brother. You were always so well-behaved and so tender and gentle with everybody. You were empathic and compassionate and there will never be another little girl like you. I loved you so much Frey-Frey. My life will never be the same. I will love you forever and I know that you are waiting for me and that you will come to escort me home when the time is right. But for now, be at my side, let me feel your presence, let me know that you're with me and your brother everyday until we meet again. Freya, Goddess among dogs, may you live forever. Read More
Amelia Lafferty
Freya, August 1, 2017-July 23, 2022
Mocha was my soul dog. I got him when he was about 7 years old and he instantly filled my life with so much love and happiness. I miss him every second of everyday. His favorite thing to do was be out and people watch. He was the most kind and sweetest dog ever and my world has taken a turn without him here.
Johanna Mallari
Mocha, November 30, 2008 - October 25, 2023

Dear Boys, You are missed so very much! My life changed for the better when you each entered, and now my life will never be as joyous without you! Heavy hang the clouds without you, Carl and Eugene! You were not only my service animals, but you were literally my best friends!! ❤️❤️ I’m sorry that your lives were cut far too short and that I didn’t know you were sick. I blame myself every day for not possessing that knowledge! I grieve daily. I cry daily. I built you both a beautiful memorial garden with all your favorite things, your toys, blankets, chew bones, stuffies and more. I go there to find the only peace left on earth for me. But I still feel the huge void that your absence has left in me. My heart is forever broken and I’ll never be the same. But our hearts will forever be joined until He reunites us. I long for that day and I pray that I don’t have very long to wait. You boys be good for Abba Father, play nice with others and look out for each another! I can’t wait to see you both again!!! 💛 ❤️ 💛 You were what got me through the darkest, lowest moments in my life and now I’m simply bereft and alone. It hurts so much every day & most people don’t understand why I cannot “get over it”. I cannot and I pray that I’m called Home soon, too. I will always miss you and love you! Thank you both for being my best friends, ESA and service animals. Thank you for saving my life, even though I couldn’t save either of yours!! I’m indebted to you both forever! I love you both more than chips and salsa!! 😍🥰😍 Your memories are the only reason I can still smile. I wish you could come back to me, because there’s no one on earth who can replace you!! 💔💔 You we’re my joy and blessings and this void will always remain. I’m grateful that you both are disease & pain free now! If allowed, ask Him to let you visit me in my dreams. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I cannot wait to walk across that rainbow bridge to you both one day soon! It’s my only prayer now. 🙏🏻 Love always, Your very heartbroken Momma!

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Gaèllis D.
Carl Elliott & Eugene Monroe, 12 October 2017- 3 & 5 September 2023

Samson, my heart is heavy. Never in a million years did I think you'd leave me this soon. I miss you like crazy, I'm lost Sammy. You taught how to laugh, the side splitting kind , I'd have to get my asthma pump. You taught me not to take things or myself, too seriously, life is short Thank you for spending hours next to me , wheater I was studying, watching TV, paying bills, sleeping, or simply doing nothing at all. I miss and love you forever Sammy. When I get my wings one day I'll come back for you and Chewy, just promise you'll wait for me. Love ❤️ Mom.

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Marion Gonzalez
Samson, August 21, 2014-August 26,2023
My sweet baby girl. My soul mate. My best friend. I am still in shock and I feel like I am living in a bad dream I can't wake up from. I can't believe we had to say goodbye so soon. I thought we would have so much more time. You were (ARE!) so feisty, so full of life. How can you be gone? No more snuggles, our bedtime routine is empty and hollow. You got me. You understood me. You heard me. I swear you were more human than animal. My life feels so empty now . . .
Carrie Coelho
Willow, February 26, 2016-August 23, 2023
Our beloved Scruff crossed the Rainbow bridge last night and is in heaven with our other fur babies running and playing. Our hearts are broken that you re gone from our sight but we know you are no longer sick and are able to run and play again we LOVE you baby till we meet again
Christopher & Donna Kelley
Scruffi, 07-13-2023
I know u are in heaven You made us very happy One day we will meet again
mystery person
Willy, Oktober 2022

Kimber, if love could have saved you, you would be here. You were my first, my baby, my life, my reason. 10 years, 5 months, 16 days was not enough time. We were supposed to grow old, grey hairs. not liver failure and only a few days left. The hardest decision and worst day of my life was to love you and give you peace. You spoke to me with your eyes, i saw your soul, you were ready. I definitely was not. I held you, looked in your eyes and told you i loved you and i was sorry over and over again to make sure you knew it. I wish i could have done more to make you healthy. Mommy loves you so much baby girl. I cant wait to see you again.

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Sarah Mardis
Mommy, Dec. 12, 2012 - May 28, 2023
It's been 101 days since my beautiful Julia passed away at the age of 13. My heart is broken to pieces. I'm not sure if I'll ever be the same. Life just isn't the same without her. She was a once-in-a-lifetime dog and will never be replaced. She was so special and I will miss her every single day. I held Julia at 5 weeks old and took her home at 8 weeks. I held her in my arms when she passed at the age of 13 years, 3 months, and 1 day. She was my best friend, my love, my companion, my teammate, and my everything. I am so grateful and proud that we shared so much together. Some proud moments - Julia loved nosework. She started nosework training at the age of 8 months old in 2010. She obtained her ORT Title at the age of 1 year and 4 months. Julia is the 31st Golden Retriever in the country to receive her NACSW NW1 Title in 2011 and the 10th Golden Retriever in the country to receive her NACSW NW2 Title in 2012. After that, life events happened to put trials on hold for a few years. When Logan (Artistry’s Long Time Coming) passed away in 2017 she continued trialing with NACSW and then started with AKC, & USCSS. She finally captured her NACSW NW3 Elite Title in January 2022. Her last trial was an Elite Trial in Tampa, Florida on November 19, of 2022. Rest in peace, my baby girl. You taught me meaningful life lessons like living each day to the fullest. It was an honor and privilege to be your companion and I thank you. When I get sad I’ll think of the good times we had and there are bunches of those. I’ll miss everything about you. Run free and I hope to see you again someday. Kisses! Read More
Scott Duncan
Julia, November 15, 2009 – February 16, 2023
I Miss u Sparky you left your paw prints on my heart 🐾❤️You Came Into My Life One Day, So Beautiful And Smart, My Dear And Sweet Companion, I Loved You From The Start. And Though I Knew The Time Would Come, When We Would Have To Part, You’ll Never Be Forgotten, And You Will Be Missed and your legacy will shine so bright and your light will be brighter with your Spirit in heaven by the rainbow bridge and to keep your Memory Alive you will always live on in my heart ♥️ forever 11.27.2009-11.26.2021 😭💔🌈🕯⛪️🙏🏻 Read More
Amanda Granata
Sparky, Nov 27 2009-Nov 26 2021

♥️Jax, my sweet angel, the light of my life, my family♥️He was a loving friend to every stranger he had the opportunity to meet, even if for a brief moment. He was sweet, smart, silly, handsome, brave, loyal, gentle, wise, and so kind. He taught me to slow down and enjoy the important, beautiful things in life. To take time to sit in the grass under a shady tree, enjoy the sounds of the birds chirping, to take in the fresh air, and feel the warmth of the sunshine. His soulful brown eyes and joyful, contagious smile let me know every day that my deep, unwavering love for him was mutual. My happy little guy, I will keep you close in my heart and soul forever. Thank you for everything, I am so lucky to be your mom and I can’t wait to see you again. I’ll do my best to make you proud and I will honor you always. Momma loves you endlessly Jaxy. -Katie McCormick and family

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mystery person
Katie mccormick
Jax, 06/04/2010-03/10/2023
mystery person
Erica Messer
Wolfgang, October 9, 2021
Midnight, letting you go was one of the hardest decisions I had to make in your life time. In your short life, I tried to extended your time here with us and your brother , Boots with the help of your doctors including the cardiologist. You left your paw print on my heart my little boy! I hope you live on forever and meet up again one day 💙💙
Donna Gagne
MIDNIGHT, Aug.17,2019- July, 4,2022
Chili, I miss you so much. Words can’t tell the pain I feel in saying goodbye to you. I will always love you.
Chili, ?? - 12/24/2022

My sweet Holly Mae passed on this past sunday on Christmas She was hit by a car and she was suffering from a head trauma her injuries were so bad i had to make the decision to put her to sleep, the hardest decision of my life. She was my world, my bestfriend she followed me everywhere we always cuddled and gave kisses . I was so in love with her , she deserved the world , she was a princess and she was so excited when mommy would come home. When i walked in the room nobody else mattered . I adored her and she’s just gone so suddenly . she was an amazing dog . i loved her with my whole heart and soul . I have never had a friend like this one . she read my mind and i read hers i just hope she knows how sorry i am and how much i loved her . Long Live my sweet Holly Mae Gone but never forgotten Mommy will never stop loving you Holly Mae you were and still are everything and more to me

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Amber Cornett
Holly Mae, 3/22/22-12/25/22

Dilly Bear, I’m so sorry that we couldn’t make your pain go away. I know you were suffering and Nick and I sent you to heaven because we didn’t want you to be in pain anymore! But, life without you is unbearable ♥️🐾 You were my best friend, my protector, unconditional love for you and you for us. You were the BEST puppy ever! You were smart, fun, loving and didn’t deserve your accident at a year old and cancer in the end. Our baby, remember Forever and always ♥️♥️♥️🐾 I Love you buddy so much it hurts! Until we meet again. Love heaven, play and please stay close to us 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Love, Momma and Nickums ♥️♥️♥️🐾

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Dana Thompson
Dillon, December 4, 2011 - October 4, 2022
My sweet soul dog Baxter. Aka: Mr. Sassy Pants. You started out as my first foster dog. But quickly became my whole world. I miss you so much it hurts. But it’s better that I hurt, than you. So I had to let you go. I’ll forever love you and be grateful for the blessing of being your mama.
Myra Ellison
Baxter, December 3, 2008 - December 3, 2023
Dear Bailey, miss you so much
mystery person
Linda Self
Bailey, May 12 2021
Arthur, so tiny and vulnerable that first day when I brought you home. But you grew into my brave loyal companion, funny sometimes cranky, but always full of love. When there was no one else there was you my sweet boy. I will miss you forever.
mystery person
Nancy Sturmer-Hoar
Annie and Bunny, I love you both so much it's so hard to see you go in to lose you. Annie I always remember how you were jealous when daddy came to give me a kiss and he would laugh at me because I talk to you guys. And bunny how could I ever forget your vicious little growl when we touched your food bowl even when you were so very tiny I will miss you both forever. I want you to watch out for Jethro when he comes across the rainbow bridge. But he'll recognize you from the pictures he saw of you at home. you'll know it's him because he is smiling and he's happy and he could run a job again. I miss them is so much because it is 72 years old it's very hard and I still have a older adults in the house both cats and dogs and I'll nave watch them cross the rainbow bridge too it's almost too much to bear Read More
Cynthia Miller McElroy
I don't remember