Give your families various options for memorialization items – they truly want choices!
when it comes to honoring a beloved deceased pet, more times than not families “don´t know what they don´t know.” It´s our responsibility as a pet loss professional to have these items available and to guide our families in what their options are to pay tribute to their pet. There are so few outlets to see items such as cremation jewelry, personalized art pieces and unique urns that families will come to our pet loss operations to become familiar with what they can do to remember their pet.
There´s another benefit to you too in having a family buy memorialization items from you – such as a piece of jewelry that can hold a bit of hair or cremains. As they wear this piece around other pet lovers, the necklace/jewelry becomes a topic of conversation – and gets others to talk about you and your services,…
Give families options. Even more so – give them a reason to talk about you and your services.