It’s always a pleasure for me to share guest blogs. Thank you Brittany Cotton for penning some musings for my amazing followers:

Losing a pet is never easy. In many households, animal companions are considered members of the family. Despite being frequently downplayed by society, the grief caused by pet loss can be overwhelming. Surprisingly, however, there are bright sides to even these painful experiences. Losing a pet can make you more appreciative of the time that you still have with those around you, better able to relish the present moment, and well-prepared for similar life experiences in the future. Read on to discover several powerful, positive ways to navigate the emotional and financial challenges of pet loss.

Connect With People Who Understand

Reach out to other animal lovers who’ve also dealt with pet loss, too. Their shared experiences will make it easier for them to empathize with your grief and to offer the type of comfort and support you need. People who understand the trauma of pet loss are more likely to offer a sympathetic ear than are people who’ve never had or lost pets before.

Reflect on the Good Moments With Your Pet Rather Than the Final Ones

One of the most challenging parts of losing a pet is unconsciously replaying their last moments over and over again in your mind. This is especially hard when pets have gradually succumbed to terminal illnesses or faced sudden and painful ends. Give yourself permission to put those unsavory moments behind you and focus instead on all of the good times that you and your pet shared.

Don’t Trivialize Your Grief

The prevailing attitude that pet loss is somehow less painful than the loss of a human being often causes pet owners to trivialize their own grief. Acknowledge your pain and make an effort to proactively work through it. Doing so could help you avoid prolonged bouts with depression, unresolved guilt, and an extended grieving process. If you’ve had to euthanize your pet, recognize that many other pet owners have done so as well and that your decision was made in the best interests of your friend.

Hold a Memorial for Your Pet

Despite the finality of death, many pet owners are left without a sense of closure. They catch themselves still looking for their pets in their favorite corners, still holding on to worn chew toys, and still following old routines. When you say goodbye to family members and friends, you have the opportunity to memorialize them and publicly celebrate their lives with funerals. Holding a memorial for your pet can help you move through the stages of grief by giving you the closure you need.

As a thank you to the guest bloggers, sharing another general thought on caring for a beloved pet: Consider Pet Insurance

Having pet insurance makes taking good care of animals easy and affordable. In some cases, pet insurance also makes after-death preparations less challenging and less financially taxing all-around. Many pet insurance policies offer full or partial coverage for pet cremation and burial costs.

Whether you have remaining pets or intend to get a new pet in the near future, shopping the latest pet insurance offers will give you peace of mind concerning all that lies ahead. Although it’s unpleasant to think about, binding coverage now will make costly, end-of-life or potentially life-saving treatments more accessible for your other animals.