On December 31, 2013 we lost Lexi our beloved 4 footed family member for 10 and 1/2 years. Lexi had a very fast acting cancer.

Lexi was a huge part of my boy’s life and even after my divorce spent special time with my x-husband, Mike.  She was a dear, shy, wonderful friend to all of and will be dearly missed…

I think of Lexi as a puppy, so small she could curl up in a laundry basket, her little nose peeking out of her special blanket. Or the look on my son Josh’s (now 23) face when Mike surprised Josh at Kung Fu practice with little Lexi. Now at 79 pounds (Lexi had lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks because of the cancer) Lexi was family and we were heart sick when the results of her ultra sound showed her liver, spleen and major blood vessels were stricken. Lexi had only a few days before the internal bleeding would take over. We had to make some make some major decisions that would make things as easy and stress free for Lexi as possible…

I had recently read about an organization, “Home to Heaven” and felt their ability to have a veterinarian come to our home was the way to go. I also felt that the ability to say goodbye to Lexi in her home where she would be surrounded by those that loved her was a much better option than going into the animal hospital. Plus Lexi was not fond of going to the veterinarian and I didn’t want her final memories to be stressful. My boys were behind me and Mike agreed this would be the best for Lexi.

We proceeded to set up an appointment with Home to Heaven for Thursday, January 2. The staff at Home to Heaven were wonderful and reminded me that if for any reason Lexi was getting worse and we were worried about her being in pain they could come to our home sooner.

Everything happened so fast. The results of Lexi’s ultra sound came back on a Monday and by Tuesday morning Lexi was having trouble breathing and had a very swollen belly (which indicated internal bleeding). I called Home to Heaven and they scheduled Dr.  Becky Flemer to come out at 2:00 that afternoon.

As all of us (Mike, Josh, Brandon and his girlfriend Macy) waited for Dr. Flemer we gave Lexi lots of attention and one of her favorite treats. We told stories of Lexi and all the special moments from the last 10 and 1/2 years.  All of us were dreading having to face losing Lexi and I have to admit I was worried that it would be stressful or even painful for her.

When Dr. Flemer (Becky) arrived she put all of us at ease. She had a wonderful calm energy and Lexi (normally shy) went right up to her.

Becky went over everything that would happen. First she would give Lexi (just under the skin) a sedative that would put her into a deep sleep. While Lexi was in a deep sleep and when we were ready Becky would administer the drug that would stop Lexi’s heart. Becky also talked about some of the things we might see after the drug was administered such as an increase in heart rate and emptying of the bowels. Though, as Becky also said Lexi would not feel these things…

When we were ready we had Lexi lay on our living room floor surrounded by all of us. Lexi was calm.  When we were ready Becky gave Lexi the sleeping medication. Lexi didn’t even feel it. Within 10 minutes Lexi was sound asleep…

When we were ready Becky administered the drug that would stop Lexi’s heart.  As Becky was doing this I said the Shem’a, thanked Lexi for the years of love and joy she had given us, that we loved her and would missed her and asked that her soul pass peacefully…

Through tears of sorrow we watched as our beloved Lexi passed. There was not an increase in heart rate and an emptying of her bowels. Lexi passed peacefully, spiritually and without pain…

We knew that our love for Lexi had given her this gift. A peaceful passing in her own home surrounded by the people that cared and loved her…

As sad as all of this was this ritual around Lexi’s passing was something of beauty. Everyone involved knew we had done the right thing in a truly loving way…

A process that left me feeling really good about what we had done and how we had done it. I knew that Lexi’s spirit had gently passed on and “she was home”…

Rest In Peace Dear Lexi…

We Love You And Miss You…