Simba my little angel…
Missing u hurts like hell…remember our days nd nights…our time in the garden with Sasha…remember ur smell nd ue lovely eyes… how can i forget 10 days at the hospital …. with lot if pain nd hope…they said u r better now u can go home…sooo happpyyyyy…later that day…u didnt seems ok or better… u have lot of pain…i feel hoprless…cant keep the death away…was trying to hold u maybe ull stay….but u left me alone…i smell u all the time…still waiting every day…maybe ull come back….i say ur name SIIIMMMMBBAAAAA u dont answer!!!! Why.,, did u eat?? Did u drink??? Misss uuuuuu misss ouuurrrr days baby simba….rest i peace nd wait for me plz…
Till we met again little hero….sooo proud offf uuuuuuu

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