The Second Most Memorable Day For A Pet Parent
As I sat in the sun last evening, enjoying the beauty of the night and the warm light breeze, I glanced down to see my big Golden Retriever, Mike The Dog, also basking in our Maker´s greatness. With Secret Garden softly playing in the background, I looked at his peaceful big white face and it hit me.
According to the story, “A Living Legend,” there are three days in a pet parent´s life that you will always remember. The first is the day that your precious little furry friend came home! The joy of a new life together! The fun in seeing them adapt to their new family! The realization that, either again or for the first time in your life – your heart was about to be surrendered and stolen and you would know and feel the meaning of the words “unconditional love.” Oh – the joy!
Then the second most memorable day comes. That second day, while I have known that it has been lurking on the sidelines for quite some time due to the gradual change in routine with the addition of vitamins, “senior” supplements, and additional “senior” care, hit me hard last night as I watched this big-love of a Golden-bear sleeping. It is the day where, as a Pet Parent, you finally see “old.” His big white face. That big sweet old white face. There it is. Staring me in the face. A gentle reminder that seemed to say, “Love me today – for I don´t know how much longer I have here in this earthly existence.”
God knows, today I have been different because of yesterday, the day that the second most memorable day showed up. Time is so precious. Time is so short. I will not allow one minute passing without Mike The Dog knowing that I love him.
With all of my heart.
As I know that third most memorable day is not far off.